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About Us

InsuLearn has a unique team that brings strong expertise from various fields to build our comprehensive automated insulin delivery technology – machine learning, biomedicine, computational biology, dynamical systems, causal inference and software engineering.


Our core values are rooted in a customer-centric approach, prioritizing meaningful innovation that directly enhances patient health outcomes, and a commitment to building products that resonate with the needs of those managing diabetes. Internally, we cultivate a culture of deep mutual respect, quality, and technical integrity, encouraging a learning environment that values transparency around both successes and failures.

Insulin vial
Arielle Messer

CEO & Cofounder​

Arielle Messer is the co-founder and CEO of InsuLearn. She received her graduate training at Weill Cornell, leveraging machine learning and computational biology to develop personalized therapeutics for prostate cancer. Since then, Arielle has been working in industry, developing large scale real-time machine learning products used by millions of people. Arielle was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes two years ago while she was working as an ML Engineer at Capital One. Struggling to manage her blood sugar, Arielle developed novel algorithms using her insulin and glucose history to find optimal parameters for her insulin pump.

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Dorian Goldman

CSO & Cofounder​

Dorian Goldman is the co-founder and CSO of InsuLearn. He received his PhD from Courant Institute, where he used variational methods, differential equations and applied analysis to study energy driven pattern formation. After his graduate studies, Dorian was a post doctorate at Cambridge University where he was a Herchel Smith Fellow of Pure Mathematics. Since his tenure in academia, Dorian has spent over ten years building ML models and using causal inference to drive company decisions. Most recently, Dorian was a Staff Scientist at Lyft. Dorian has also served as a professor of data science at Columbia University.

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Our Philosophy

Man with diabetes in water

Currently, we are witnessing a revolution in medical hardware innovation. It has become clear that the concept of curing diseases and disabilities extends beyond a binary or purely biological framework. A cure is anything that enables individuals to lead a normal life, and in many cases, this involves the application of software and hardware to enhance or correct biological functions. We hold the view that technological solutions, rather than solely biological ones, often represent the most effective cures.


Today, even individuals without medical conditions are using biosensors to improve their health. The combination of hardware, software and biology stands at the forefront of health optimization.

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